

What is 53 x 9?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What is 53 x 9?
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What is 53 times 9?

53 x 9 = 477

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Here's how to approach this. I recognize by summing the digits that 4293 is divisible by 9 (4+2+9+3=18), so divide by 9 to get 477. The sum 4+7+7 =18 is divisible by 9, so divide by 9 again to get 53, which is prime. We divided by 9 twice, and have 53: 4293 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 53, or 34 x 53

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43 - x - 96 = - x - 53

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A square gaj is 9 square feet So 53 square gaz is 53 x 9 Do the multiplication and you will get the answer in square feet

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x = 9

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x+5(x+1)=53 6x+5=53 6x=48 x=8 numbers=8 and 9

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53' x 8.5' x 9' = 4054.5 cubic feet => 4054.5 cubic feet / 27 cubic feet/cubic yard = 150.17 cubic yards.

X2 plus 9x equals -7?

If you're looking to solve that equation for x, it can be done as follows: x2 + 9x = -7 x2 + 9x + (9/2)2 = (9/2)2 - 7 (x + 9/2)2 = 81/4 - 28/4 x + 9/2 = ±√(53/4) x = -9/2 ± √53/2

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That's the same as 53 x 53 x 53.

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1 x 53, 53 x 1