

What is 5 and 3 fourths inches in decimal?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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5.75 inches

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Q: What is 5 and 3 fourths inches in decimal?
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It is: 5 and 3/5 times 3/4 = 21/5 or 4.2 as a decimal

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it is .5 or a half

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5 and one half divided by three fourths is = to 5.5/.75 which = 7.333333333333 repeating as a decimal, OR 7 + 1/3, OR 22/3

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It is: 5/4 = 1.25

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9 inches x 5 inches = 45 square inches 3/4 x 5/12 = 5/16 square feet

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Expressed as a decimal, 17/3 is equal to 5.6 recurring (that is, 5.6666...) Expressed as a decimal, 5 3/4 is equal to 5.75. Therefore, 5 3/4 is larger than 17/3.

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It is: 2 and 3/4 divided by 1 and 3/5 = 55/32 which is 1.71875 as a decimal

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5¾ - 1¾ = (5 + ¾) - (1 + ¾) = (5-1) + (¾-¾) = 4 + 0 = 4.

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Entire surface area = (2pi32)+(pi65) = 150.796 square inches to 3 decimal places

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21/4-6/4=15/4=3 and 3 fourths