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It is a FALSE statement.

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Q: What is 5 over 14 greater than or equal negative 2e over 7?
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Negative 3 over 9 is less than 1 over 200 because it is a negative number, and negatives are always less than positives.

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Yes - expressed as a decimal, -6/10 is equal to -0.6, while -4/5 is equal to -0.8.

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Expressed as a decimal, -11/4 = -2.75, which is larger than -2.78.

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-0.42 is less than 6/10 which is 0.6

Is zero greater than negative one equal?

Not sure what the "equal" on the end is for but zero is greater than negative one. -1<0 0>-1 -1<0<1

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When the positive integer is greater than the negative integer.

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You have to flip the inequality sign. If it is less than(<) it has to become greater than(>). If it is greater than(>), it has to become less than(<). If it is less than equal to(<=), it has to become greater than equal to(>=). If it is greater than equal to(>=)., it must become less than equal to(<=).

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Since there are no negative signs, and the expression is clearly not equal to zero, it's greater than zero.