

What is 5 times less than 8cm?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is 5 times less than 8cm?
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8 cm is how many times longer than 5 mm?

Since 1 cm = 10 mm 8cm = 80mm So, 80mm/5mm = 20 Therefore, 8cm is 20 times longer than 5 mm.

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' N ' is the number. 5 less than it is (N - 5).

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The product of 3and 5 less than a numberis 39.Find the number?

The trick is to interpret correctly the "5 less than a number" phrase. It means "5 less than a given number". Since 39 is 3 times 13, it results that "5 less than the number" is 13. Hence, the number is 13 plus 5, that is, 18. The trick is to interpret correctly the "5 less than a number" phrase. It means "5 less than a given number". Since 39 is 3 times 13, it results that "5 less than the number" is 13. Hence, the number is 13 plus 5, that is, 18. jasmine and timonthy