It is the same as in the question
1,260,000 in Scientific Notation = 1.26 x 106
To calculate 35 percent of 3,600,000, you first convert 35 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, giving you 0.35. Then, you multiply 0.35 by 3,600,000 to find the answer. The result is 1,260,000.
60 percent as a percent is 60%
45 percent percent of 60 = 0.0045 x 60 = 0.27
one million two hundred and sixty thousand
45 percent percent of 60 = 0.0045 x 60 = 0.27
1 percent = 1 hundredth 60 percent = 60 hundredths 60% = 0.60
12% of 60% as a percent = 100*12/100*60/100 = 7.2%12% of 60% as a percent = 100*12/100*60/100 = 7.2%12% of 60% as a percent = 100*12/100*60/100 = 7.2%12% of 60% as a percent = 100*12/100*60/100 = 7.2%
40 percent of 60 is 2,400%