662 to nearest 10 is 660662 to nearest 100 is 700To round a digit:look at the next digit and if it is half way or more add 1 to the rounded digit;replace all digits after the rounded digit with zeros:662 to nearest 10:digit after 10s digit is 2; not more than half way so don't add 1 to the 10s digit;replace the '2' with '0'.⇒ 662 to nearest 10 is 660 662 to nearest 100:digit after 100s digit is 6; more than half way so add 1 to 100s digit;replace the '62' with '00'⇒ 662 to nearest 100 is 700
A split of champagne is a half bottle
advantages of split half reliability
5% of 662 = 5% * 662 = 0.05 * 662 = 33.1
Africa is not "split in half" . It remains a viable, single continent.
There are no scientific records or evidence to suggest that the moon has been split in half. It is not a phenomenon that has been observed or documented by astronomers or researchers.
the titanic did split in half bob barred found out when he found the titanic
NO. 662 is not prime because it has other factors aside from 1 and itself. The other factors of 662 are 1, 2, 331, and 662.
Gravity is too strong to allow the world to split in half.
to simply "half" Possibly "split"
30% of 662 is 198.6