No. 680 is not evenly divisible by nine.
Yes. 680 / 10 = 68
There are infinitely many numbers divisible by 5 and 4. 680 is one of them.
Any multiple of 170 is divisible by 170: 340. 510, 680, etc.
Yes, 43,680 divided by two is 21,840.
All multiples of 170, which is an infinite number, including 170, 340, 510, 680, 850, 1020 . . .
2% of 680 = 2% * 680 = 0.02 * 680 = 13.6
12% of 680= 12% * 680= 0.12 * 680= 81.6
24% of 680= 24% * 680= 0.24 * 680= 163.2