Seventy percent (70%) of one million (1,000,000) is seven hundred thousand (700,000)
Sixteen percent of one hundred percent is: 0.16
70% of 1500 is 1050 when deducted from 1500 is 450
70 PER CENT means 70 out of a hundred... so you missed 30
120 percent of the number 85 is one hundred and two.
One thousand eight hundred fifty-one hundred-thousandths percent.
It is 1101.14
one sixteenth percent of one hundred = 0.06251/16% * 100= 0.0625%/100% * 100= 0.0625
Two percent out of one hundred thousand dollars is two thousand dollars.
Thirty percent of one hundred is 30, so thirty percent of five hundred must be 30 X 5 = 150.