It is 760000.
It ends in 2, so it is rounded down to 755,080.
Look at the digit in hundreds place. If it is five or greater, round the digit in thousands place to the next higher digit. If the digit in hundreds place is less than five, leave the digit in thousands place as it is. 755,082 rounded to thousands is 755,000.
370,000,000 is already rounded to the nearest ten thousands.
30000 35210 rounded to the ten thousands would be 40000.
35,905,584 rounded to the nearest ten thousands is 35,910,000
547,760 rounded to the ten thousands place is 550,000
Rounded to the nearest ten thousands it is 0. In fact, to the nearest ten it is 0.
145,302 rounded to the nearest ten thousands place is 150,000
77,330 rounded to the nearest ten thousands is 80,000