No, thirty is 75% of forty.
Thirty percent of 75 is 75*0.30 = 22.5, so thirty percent off of 75 is75 - 22.5 = 52.5It's the same thing as 70% of 75, since 70%+30% = 100%
750 = 100% 75 = 10% 225 = 30%
75% of 30,000 = 22,500 euros
30 = 75% - 10 = 25% - 40 = 100% - so 30 is 75 % of 40.
You multiply 75 by .3 which equals $22.50 $49
The percent of 75% is 75%.
Ten percent of thirty is three.
Thirty percent of $30.00 is $9.00 30 x 0.3 = $9.00
85 percent of 75 is 63.75
The correct applicable answer to Thirty is what percent of 240 is 12.5%
One percent times thirty is 0.3