7/8 divided by 240 is 0.003645833
It is 7/12 divided by 20 = 7/240
when divided by 40 it comes to 6/7
240 divided by 7 does not give a whole number and therefore 240 is not a multiple of 7.
7 divided by 24 = 0.291666 x 100 = 29.1666%
21/24 = 7/8 So the question can be reworded as 7/8 divided by 7/8 and since any non-zero number divided by itself is 1, the answer is 1.
(24/7) / 8 = 24/(7*8) = 3/7
7/8 ÷ 21 = 1/24
24/56 in reduced form is 3/7, since 24 divided by 8 equals 3 and 56 divided by 8 equals 7.
1/4 ÷ 6/7 = 7/24