2hrs 18mins
11hrs 30 minutes
The flight would be approximately 11 hours and 2 minutes long.
60 mins = 1 hour158 mins = 158/60 hours158 mins = 2 19/30 hours2 19/30 or 2.633333333333... hoursIe. 2 hours 38mins
12 hrs 18mins
11hrs 40 mins or 11.667 hrs
About 7 hours JFK to London Heathrow. It is about 30-40 minutes longer London to New York as you are flying into the prevailing wind.
The time required for flight between the above places is 4 hrs. Average speed of 500 miles/hour is used to calculate the time. This time is inclusive of the landing and take off times. However, the time required for the baggage and security checking has not been added. The actual time may change depending on the flight path chosen.
boys sleep longer because they sleep 9 hours to 11hrs and girls just sleep 7 hours to 9 hours
The flight time from Singapore to Las Vegas, US, is approximately 17 hours and 21 minutes. The total distance is approximately 14249.98 km or 8854 miles. This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
The average flight time is 10 hours, 44 minutes. This is only an approximation and flight times are likely to vary. Your airline will provide you with a flight time when you book a flight.
1955 hours in hours and minutes is 1955 hours 0 minutes.