As a percentage, 80 over 400 is equal to 20 percent (20%).
To simplify 240 over 400, we need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of both numbers, which is 80. Dividing both the numerator (240) and the denominator (400) by 80 gives us 3 over 5. Therefore, 240 over 400 simplified is 3 over 5.
20000 + 6000 + 400 + 80 + 920000 + 6000 + 400 + 80 + 920000 + 6000 + 400 + 80 + 920000 + 6000 + 400 + 80 + 9
It is 100*(400/80) = 500%
20% less on 400 = 80% of 400 = 400*80/100 = 320
80/1 divided by 3/5=80/1 x 5/3=400/3=133 and 1/3
5 Times 80 is 400
80 and 400's highest common factor is 80.
The GCF is 80.
400 x 0.2 = 80 dollars 400 - 80 = 320 dollars
To determine how many times 80 goes into 400, you would divide 400 by 80. The result of this division would be 5, indicating that 80 goes into 400 five times. This can be calculated by dividing the dividend (400) by the divisor (80) to get the quotient (5).