You can use a calculator to get its decimal value: 28.6356. Or you can simplify it by finding numbers that are factors of 820 that are squares ... 4 x 205 = 820 and so √820 = √4 x √205 = 2√205.
Well, darling, 820 percent as a fraction in simplest form is 41/5. You just move that pesky decimal point two places to the left and simplify like a boss. Voila, you've got yourself a nice, neat fraction.
32% of 820 = 32% * 820 = 0.32 * 820 = 262.4
25% of 820= 25% * 820= 0.25 * 820= 205
2% of 820 = 2% * 820 = 0.02 * 820 = 16.4
The first ten positive integer multiples of 820 are: 1 x 820 = 820 2 x 820 = 1640 3 x 820 = 2460 4 x 820 = 3280 5 x 820 = 4100 6 x 820 = 4920 7 x 820 = 5740 8 x 820 = 6560 9 x 820 = 7380 10 x 820 = 8200
82 tens =82 × 10 = 820
150% of 820 = 150% * 820 = 1.5 * 820 = 1230 or 12,300%