85 is what percent of 33
= 85 / 33
= 2.575758
Converting decimal to a percentage: 2.575758 * 100 = 257.58%
Percent Decrease = (Original Amount - New Amount)/(Original Amount) * 100% The percent decrease from 220 to 33 is 85%
85% - wrong. The answer is 33% See beliefnet
81.818% Solution: 81818 = 1-(6/33)
The gcf of 85 58 33 is 1
85 percent = 0.85
85 percent of 75 is 63.75
If we add 33 percent three times, we get 99 percent (33% + 33% + 33% = 99%). To reach 100 percent, we need to add the remaining 1 percent. Mathematically, this would be expressed as 33% + 33% + 33% + 1% = 100%.
27 percent of 85 is 22.95.
85 percent of 139 = 118.15
996.2 is 85 percent of 1172