87% Can be written as 87/100 then you would usually simplify but this fraction cant. So 87% =87/100
A percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100, so 87 % is 87 / 100 or in words , eighty seven one hundredths
x% as a fraction is always x/100 so 43.5% = 43.5/100 = 87/200 = 0,435
To convert 87% to a fraction, you divide 87 by 100, which gives you 87/100. To simplify this fraction to its lowest terms, you need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 87 and 100, which is 1. Therefore, 87% as a fraction in its lowest terms is 87/100.
97% = 97/100 so in fraction it is 97/100 and is also in its lowest form
87 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of writing it as a fraction or mixed number.
Just observe the meaning of the word percent. Per cent. This means per hundred. So 87 percent means 87/100. Now 87 percent of 105 is 87/100 times 105. ie 87 x 105 / 100 = You can finish the simplification.
4.35 = 435/100 = 87/20 so -4.35 = -87/20
Percent means "in one hundred". so x% as a fraction is x/100 .
"percent" means "out of 100", so 11% as a fraction is 11/100
To make a percent into a fraction you just need to divide the percent by 100. So, 37/100 would be 37% expressed as a fraction.
Yes because 0.97 is a% so 97 is bigger 87% * * * * * The answer is somewhat confused. 87% = 0.87 and so is NOT bigger than 0.97.