2228 337 in first class, 285 second, 721 third, and 885 crew
There were 2228 people on board of the Titanic, 337 in first class, 285 second class, 721 in third class and 885 crew members.
There were 2228 including the crew and the passengers. 337 in first class. 285 in second class. 721 in third class. 885 crew members.
There were 2228 people on board of the Titanic, 337 in first class, 285 second class, 721 in third class and 885 crew members. Of course there may have been some stowaways and as such these are not in the figures.
There were 2228 people on board of the Titanic, 337 in first class, 285 second class, 721 in third class and 885 crew members.
The number of people who survived the 1912 Titanic sinking is estimated at around 700 of the original 2,228 on board. A total of 337 passengers were in first class, 285 in second class and 721 in third class. In addition, there were 885 crew members.
Maybe there is a ghost on the Titanic lots of people died on the ship. There where 2,228 people on the ship and about only 700 survived. There where 885 crew members337 in first class 285 people in second class and 721 in thrid class.
639 plus 885 plus 62 plus 8791 = 10377
The phone number of the Chataignier Branch is: 337-885-2028.
Titanic had two captains. Starting March 25th Capt. Haddock commanded her for about a week. Then she was reassigned to Capt. Edward John Smith. She also had harbor pilots like George Bowyer, who was shuttled in to guide her into Southampton.
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 57 27 is 513