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Q: What is 8 834 rounding to the nearest thousand?
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When rounding 879 which number helps decide whether to round up or down?

It depends on what you are rounding to. If rounding to the nearest ten, the 9 at the end decides which way to round it, and being a 9, it rounds up. If rounding to the nearest hundred, it was is the 7. If rounding up to the nearest thousand, it is the 8.

What is 8.09 rounded to?

This depends what you are rounding to. If you are rounding to the nearest whole number it would be 8. If you are rounding to the nearest tens place it would be 10.

Does 8.49 round to 8?

Yes, if rounding to the nearest whole number, 8.49 rounds to 8 If rounding to the nearest tenth, 8.49 rounds to 8.5

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How do you round8.27 to the nearest whole number?

Rounding 8.27 to the nearest whole number is 8

What is 8 rounded up to?

10, if you are rounding to the nearest 10.

0.078 change to the nearest whole percentage?

7.8%= nearest percentage after rounding off will be 8%

How do you round 834 to the nearest hundred?

As the digit in the tens position is a 3, we round down to give 800.

Is 834 divisible by 8?

No - 834/8 = 104.25

When rounding to the nearest whole number which rounds to 8?

7.5 to 8.4

How do you round the producer of 300 and 8 to the nearest thousand?

300*8 = 2400 which, rounded to the nearest thousand, is 2000.

What is 682 rounded nearest ten?

680. When you round a number it means to make it to the nearest of what is asked. Ie. Rounding 8 to the nearest 10 would be 10. Rounding 1249 to the nearest 1000 would be 1000.