8536 to the nearest thousand is 9000. When rounding to the nearest thousand, you look at the hundreds place. Since the hundreds digit (5) is 5 or greater, you round up the thousands digit (8) to the next highest number (9).
To the nearest thousand it is 6000
To the nearest thousand: 36000 To the nearest ten thousand: 40000
To the nearest hundred, 324700 To the nearest thousand, 325000 To the nearest ten thousand, 320000 To the nearest hundred thousand, 300000
To the nearest hundred, 324700 To the nearest thousand, 325000 To the nearest ten thousand, 320000 To the nearest hundred thousand, 300000
It is 3,000 rounded to the nearest thousand
It then is 9000 when rounded to the nearest thousand
8536 to the nearest 1000 is 9000. When rounding to the nearest 1000, you look at the hundreds place. Since the digit in the hundreds place is 5 or greater, you round up to the next thousand, which is 9000.
Well, honey, 8536 rounded to the nearest 100 is 8500. Just chop off those last two digits like they're split ends and call it a day.
8,536 to the nearest 100 is 8,500
8536 = 8,536
To the nearest thousand it is 6000
To the nearest thousandth, 0.055 To the nearest thousand, zero
To the nearest thousand: 36000 To the nearest ten thousand: 40000
To the nearest hundred, 324700 To the nearest thousand, 325000 To the nearest ten thousand, 320000 To the nearest hundred thousand, 300000