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It takes 3 or 4 days after implantation for sufficient hormone to be produced, so wait until 14 days or so after sex to do a pregnancy test.answerImplantation bleeding can happen when the egg implants in the uterine wall. It is not something that happens in every case. You can have implantation bleeding and NOT be pregnant as well, because the blastocyte may have genetic abnormalities that do not permit growth, thus the egg dies.

What equals 18 in addition?

16 + 2 . there are endless possibilities though.

Aren't Oceania and Australia the same place?

Australia is a country and the continent Australia. Australasia and Oceania are different collective names for the countries of Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, the Solomon Islands and other groups of pacific islands including Tuvalu (or .tv as it is known domainly). No, Australia is the name of a country which is also considered a continental land mass. Australasia or Oceania refers to the continent which includes Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands. The term 'Australia' cannot be used to describe these other countries.