No. 2 + 0 + 4 + 0 = 6 which is not 9, so 2040 is not divisible by 9.
LCD of 2040 is 2040.
decimal of 3/9 = 0.33333 3/9: = 3 ÷ 9 = 0.33333 in decimal
9 out of 10 written as a decimal is is: 9/10 = 0.9 as a decimal
The year 2040 is the 21st century.
9% as a decimal is 0.09
38 over 9 as a decimal = 4.222...38/9:= 38 ÷ 9= 4.2222... in decimal
2 over 9 as a decimal = 0.2222 2/9: = 2 ÷ 9 = 0.2222 in decimal
8 over 9 in a decimal = 0.88888...8/9:= 8 ÷ 9= 0.88888... in decimal
In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.In this century it will do so again in 2040, 2068 and 2096.
It is 2040, exactly as in the question.