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Q: What is One thousandths of an ampere?
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What is One-thousandths of an ampere?

A milliampere.

How many amps is needed for 72 watts?

One mA (milliampere) is simply one one-thousandth of one ampere (amp). So, 72 mA is 0.072 amps, or seventy-two thousandths of one amp.

How many grams are in 325 milligrams?

Exactly 0.325 (three eighths) milli means thousandths 1 milli is one thousandth (of a gram, meter, ampere, second or whatever).

How many coulomb one ampere?

One ampere = one coulomb every second .

How many microamperes are in an ampere?

One ampere is equal to 1000000 microamperes.

How many amperes are there in a kilo ampere?

Since kilo- means one thousand, there are one thousand amperes in a kilo-ampere, and there are 0.001 amperes in a kilo-ampere.

What does mA read?

Since this in in the science category, mA is the abbreviation for milliAmperes, i.e. thousandths of an Ampere, the measure of current strength in an electrical circuit.

What is the charge flowing per second in a circuit?

The numerical representation of one coulomb of charge moving past a point in a circuit per second is called an ampere.

How many amperes are there in a kilo-ampere?

Since kilo- means one thousand, there are one thousand amperes in a kilo-ampere, and there are 0.001 amperes in a kilo-ampere.

What is an ampere-foot?

An ampere-foot is a unit used in calculating the fall of pressure in distributing electrical mains, equivalent to a current of one ampere flowing through one foot of conductor.

How many ampere in one ton?

Ampere are the measure of electricity but one ton is a measure of mass. So,the two can not be compared.

How many thousandths are in one?

There are 1000 thousandths in one.