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His work on right angle triangles is known as Pythagorases Theorum and it states that.. "The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two side."

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Q: What is Pythagoras the ancient greek mathamatision's work about right angled triangle?
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Pythagoras theorem will always work in what type of triangle?

Pythagoras theorem will always work with a right-angled triangle.

Why did Pythagoras discovered Pythagoras theorem?

Pythagoras discovred it to find unknown sides in a right angled triangle

Calculate a side of a triangle?

Pythagoras's' theorem or "got an want" on a right angled triangle but use sine rule on a non right angled triangle !! ..

How do you work out if a triangle is right-angled?

Measure it or check that it complies with Pythagoras' theorem.

What are kinds of triangle?

Isosceles, scalene and equilateral. And Pythagoras' favorite.. Right Angled!

What is the converse of Pythagoras's theorem?

The converse of Pythagoras's theorem states :- "If the square of one side of a triangle is equal to the sum of square of other two sides then the triangle is a right angled triangle""

In a right angled triangle ABC the hypotenuse AC is equal to what?

In a right angled triangle its hypotenuse when squared is equal to the sum of its squared sides which is Pythagoras' theorem for a right angle triangle.

Who understood the relation ship between the 2 shorter sides and the hypotenuse in a right angled triangle before Pythagoras?

The Babylonians and Ancient Egyptians but it is tradionally given to Pythagoras that for a right angle triangle a2+b2 = c2 whereas a and b are the sides of the triangle with c being its hypotenuse or longest side

Is pythagorean and Pythagoras are same?

Pythagoras was a person, pythagorean refers to his mathematical theories - principally his theorems about the measures of the sides of a right angled triangle.

What Is the Statement of Pythagoras theorem?

Pythagoras ' theorem states that in a right angled triangle ABCAB2+BC2 = AC2, where AB and BC are the perpendicular sides of the triangle and AC is the hypotenuse(the longest side).

Where can Pythagoras Theorem be used?

Pythagoras' theorem can be used for right-angled triangles. Using the theorem, you are able to calculate what the length of one side of a triangle is.