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Q: What is Rene Descartes' position regarding an indicator of reality?
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Does Descartes show we aren't dreaming?

Descartes' philosophy on reality actually shows that we cannot for sure know that we aren' dreaming. In fact, Descartes believed that we are not sure of anything, except for the fact that we exist because we use logic and reason. Sorry that this doesn't answer your question, but the point of this ideology is for others to try to show Descartes how we know FOR CERTAIN that we are not dreaming right now....harder to do than one would think.

What did Descartes mean by you think therefore you are?

He meant that you can't trust your 5 senses to know that what you see/hear etc is real, and if you are really here right now. Your senses can mislead you in how the world looks (eg colour blindness) and you might not be here at all (eg dreaming - or imagine being inside 'the matrix' - how would you know you were in a false reality when everything seems real?) 'I think therefore I am' was Descartes' way of saying that your own consciousness was the only evidence that you exist, as you must exist somewhere and in some state to be thinking. Everything else around you could be an illusion.

How is reality defined in metaphysics?

Reality is the totality of existence or being, the aggregate of all truth and knowledge, whether material or spiritual, concrete or abstract. It is the entire objective world or universe outside the mind. Reality by nature is experienced or discovered, not created or invented by the human mind.

What makes a fact true?

The question "what is truth" is something that philosophers have argued over for centuries. Many people believe in objective external reality, in which case a fact would be something that conformed to objective external reality (that is, anybody who viewed the same reality could rationally have only one true interpretation of it).However, many philosophers argue that there is no such thing as an objective external reality - for example, by arguing that nothing exists outside of the human ability to perceive it. It is thus not possible for something to be "objectively" true. This is a controversial position but it remains popular.Mathematicians often say that mathematics is independent of human reality, and therefore has objective standards of truth. But this is not accepted by everyone either.I believe a fact is a statement that is true.

Why did slaves want to revolt?

This is a question best answered by your self, Put yourself in a position where you are owned and where you have to do anything you are told to do no mater how unhealthy how dirty or degrading or depraved, Anything. that is the reality of being a slave. Sounds pretty revolting doesn't it?

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Descartes what he cannot be certain of?

Philosophically, Descartes was concerned with the existence of reality.

Discuss Rene Descartes' metaphysical dualism as opposed to both monism and pluralism?

Descartes' dualism stated that the mind and body were distinct and occupied different planes of reality. A monism theory of reality believes that there is only one reality, and would state that the mind and body are connected. Pluralism believes that there are many realities, not just two, so the mind and body might be distinct, but there would also be other planes of reality.

Does Descartes show we aren't dreaming?

Descartes' philosophy on reality actually shows that we cannot for sure know that we aren' dreaming. In fact, Descartes believed that we are not sure of anything, except for the fact that we exist because we use logic and reason. Sorry that this doesn't answer your question, but the point of this ideology is for others to try to show Descartes how we know FOR CERTAIN that we are not dreaming right now....harder to do than one would think.

Does a power strip use any power in the off position?

If the power strip has an indicator light it uses a very minimal amount of power, especially if it's a neon or LED indicator. If the power strip uses either of those, the power use is effectively unmeasurable. Incandescent indicator lights use a very small amount of power. But in reality, indicator lights are off when the power is off, so actually power strips use no power when they are off.

What is the point of Descartes's reflections on dreaming in the fifth paragraph of Meditation I and why is it significant?

When Descartes reflects on his dreams in Meditation I, he uses it to show that sometimes even his own senses deceive him because in dreams what feels like reality is just an illusion. This is significant because it throws into doubt much more of what Descartes thinks he can be sure of and increases his skepticism.

Who had a metaphysical view of the physical world?

Philosophers like Plato and Descartes had metaphysical views of the physical world, where they believed in the existence of a higher reality beyond the physical realm. They argued that the physical world was imperfect and impermanent, while the higher reality was perfect and unchanging.

What is the Hutterites practice regarding television watching?

They don't watch reality tv shows or cartoons

What did Jane do to balance her sense of reality regarding her and Blanche Ingram?

She sketched portraits of herself and of blanche ingram.

Cogito ergo sum----René Descartes Does he succeed in proving the real existence of the objects of your senses?

Rene Decartes proves the reality of his own mind only.His theory has the effect of locking him into his own consciousness and rendering it impossible for him to prove the reality of anything outside his own mind

What is antirealism?

Antirealism is the position involving the denial of the objective reality of certain entities.

When did René Descartes invent the coordinates?

Descartes was a very philosophical person. In fact he's the father of modern philosophy He thought the world on 3 axes, he had to do this while he was trying to solve the riddle of pappus. But to be more specific he invented the coordinate system while he was sleeping with one oven at he's side and had 3 dreams. the answer you're looking for, is that "Descartes dreamt the coordinate system, then he did it reality on a compendium of one of he's 3 books of philosopy"

What did Jane do to balance her sense of reality regarding herself and Blanche Ingram?

She sketched portraits of herself and of blanche ingram.