

What is Z more than twice and number w?

Updated: 1/5/2021
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Q: What is Z more than twice and number w?
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It means neither: it is a comparison of two values.Y is bigger than X ifY = X + Z where Z is a positive number,Y = X - Z where Z is a negative number,Y = X * Z where Z is a number which is more than 1, or,Y = X / Z where Z is a number between 0 and 1.

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359 more than z is z plus 359 which is: z + 359

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z is the number. I think the question might be ".. 7 times the number...? So 63+7z =11z-6 or 4z=57 or z=57/4 . If not, please be more specific.

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359 more than z = 359 + z it all equals...HAM hehe edited by Me

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