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Q: What is a 360 degree angle in terms of pi?
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What is a 45 degree angle in terms of pi?

1/4 pi to find the degree in terms of pi, divide the degree by 180 in this example, 45 / 180 = 1/4

How find radius in a circle given angle and length of arc?

angle of arc/ angle of circle (360°) = length of the arc/ total circumference (2 pi* radius) so you just have to find r then so: angle of arc/ angle of circle (360°) *2pi = length of the arc/ radius radius= ength of the arc/ angle of arc/ angle of circle (360°) *2pi not that hard ;)

What kind of angle is 4 pi divided by 5?

pi = 180 degrees pi / 2 = 90 degrees 2 pi = 360 degrees so pi / 5 = 180 / 5 = 36 36 x 4 = 144 degrees a 144 degree angle is obtuse

A circle has radius of 10 cmfind the length of an arc which subtent an angle of 50 degree at the center?

Radius = 10Diameter = 20Circumference = pi D = 20 pi.50 degrees = (50 / 360) of the whole circle.Arc length = (50 / 360) of (20 pi) = (1,000 pi / 360) = 8.727 cm (rounded)

What are different kinds of angle differentiate each angle?

Acute angle in the range (0, pi/2) radians = (0, 90) degrees.Right angle = pi/2 radians = 90 degrees.Obtuse angle in the range (pi/2, pi) radians = (90, 180) degrees.Straight angle = pi radians = 180 degrees.Reflex angle in the range (pi, 2*pi) radians = (180, 360) degrees.Full turn = 2*pi radians = 360 degrees.

What is an angle that completes a 30 degree angle?

pi/6 radians.

How do you find the degree measure of a central angle in a circle if both the radius and the length of the intercepted arc are known?

-- Circumference of the circle = (pi) x (radius) -- length of the intercepted arc/circumference = degree measure of the central angle/360 degrees

Why straight angle is not reflex angle?

A straight angle is pi radians (180 degrees). A reflex angle is more than pi radian but less than 2*pi radians (between 180 and 360 degrees).

What angle is Sine and cosine equal?

at a 45 degree angle, or pi/4

How can you find the angle of a sector in a circle?

Multiply ( pi R2 ) by [ (angle included in the sector) / 360 ].

What 2 times pi?

6.28It is also the angle in radians equivalent to an angle of 360 degrees.

What is the sum angle in a quadrangle?

2*pi radians (360 degrees).