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Scientific expression.

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Q: What is a compact way of expressing large numbers and very small decimal numbers?
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What is a more compact method of expressing large numbers and vary small decimal numbers?

It is scientific notation.

What are the advantages of expressing numbers in scientific notation?

The advantage of expressing numbers in scientific notation is that they are more compact.

How many decimal comes in billions?

The question makes no sense. Decimal refers to a way of representing numbers. There is only one decimal system for expressing numbers - from the very tiny to the very large.

What advantage of expressing numbers in the scientific notation?

Less digits are needed for very large numbers

When is expressing using scientific notation useful?

When numbers are tremendously large or small.

What is a type of notation expressing very large or very small numbers?

Scientific notation

Why do you use scientific notation to write numbers?

Scientific notation is used to express numbers that are very large or very small in a compact and standardized way. It consists of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10. This notation helps to simplify calculations and make comparisons between numbers easier. It also allows for expressing extremely large or small values without having to write out all the zeros.

How do you express the result in large numbers?

Expressing the result of a very large number or even a very small number is what we call scientific notation.

Why do you write ordinary numbers to scientific notation?

This provides a convenient and compact way to write very large or very small numbers.

When is expressing numbers in scientific notation useful?

When dealing with very large numbers or very small numbers where a relatively small number of significant figures are required.

Why the scientific notation is useful?

It provides a short and compact notation for writing very large or very small numbers.

What is the meaning of scietific notation?

Scientific notation is a compact way of writing very large and very small numbers.