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Expressing the result of a very large number or even a very small number is what we call scientific notation.

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Q: How do you express the result in large numbers?
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Why did they make scientific notation?

To express extremely large numbers or extremely small numbers in an easier way. Sort of like saying cuz instead of because.

Why are measurements expressed in scientific notation?

Scientific notation is a convenient method to express very large or very small numbers.

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Importance of scientific notation?

Scientific notation provides a compact and clear way to express very large and very small numbers.

What is the law of large numbers and how does it pertain to empirical probability?

well the law of large numbers is A therom that describes the result of performing the same experiment a large number of times and its like empirical because its like actually experimenting it or something like that .

What is scientific notation used for?

It's a shorthand way to express large numbers or even very small numbers.Example:44800000000 = 4.48e+10

What is a scientific notaton?

Scientific notation is a way to express very large (or very small) numbers. You would represent 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 as 1*1021.