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Any digit that you like.

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Q: What is a digit in the hundredths place that the sum of all six digits in this number is thirity?
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What is the hundredths digit in the number 123456789?

The hundredths digit is 7.

What is the name of a number that has a digit in the tenths place hundredths place and beyond?

The name of such a number is a decimal number. The digits after the decimal point represent tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and so on.

What is the hundredths digit in the number 17.033?

The hundredths digit is the digit two after the decimal point; in 17.033 the hundredths digit is the (first) 3.

What is the place value of 80.13 in decimal?

A single digit in a number can have a place value. A number with several digits cannot.

What the value of The digit 3 in 24.03?

the 3 digits have a value of 0.03 It is in the hundredths place

Which digit in 5.432 is in the hundredths place?

The digit in the hundredths place in the number 5.432 is the digit 3.

How does the value of a decimal change as you move to the left or the right in a place value chart?

As the digits are moved left, the digit in the tenths column goes into the units column, the digit in the hundredths column goes into the tenths column, etc; each digit is ten times its previous value, thus moving the digits to the left multiplies the number by 10. Similarly moving the digits to the right: the digit in the units column goes into the tenths column, the digit in the tenths column goes into the hundredths column, etc; each digit is a tenth of its previous value, thus moving the digits to the right divides the number by 10.

What is The tens digit is twice the units digits the units digit is the same as the tenths digit the hundredths digit is half the tenths digit?

42.21 or 84.42

If The tens digit is twice the units digits and the units digit is the same as the tenths digit the hundredths digit is half the tenths digit?

84.42 or 42.21

What is the value of the digit in 3.59?

the 3 digits is the ones place the 5 digits is the tenths place the 9 digits is the hundredths place

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The digit in the hundredths place of the number 38.62 is 2.

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The digit in the hundredths place in the number 412.78 is the 8.