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repeating or recurring decimals

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Q: What is a fraction in which one or more digits repeat forever........What is it called?
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When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat such a decimal is called?

a terminating or recurring decimal fraction.

Do pi's digits repeat or end?

The digits of pi neither repeat or end. They go on forever, but they do not repeat themselves. (Pi is a irrational number, it cannot be written as a fraction).

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is not zero a digit or Block of digits will eventually start to repeat such a Decimal called?


When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is not zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat. such a decimal is called a what?

recurring decimal

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is not a zeroa digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat such a decimal is called a?

Terminating decimal

When a fraction is changed to a decimal in the remainder is not zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat such a decimal is called what?

a recurring decimal

What is this called when the digits in the number repeat?


When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is not a zero digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat such a decimal is called a?

Not sure about a demial, but the number is called a repeating or recurring decimal.

When a fraction is changed to a decimal and the remainder is not zero a digit or block of digits will eventually start to repeat such a decimal is called a?

Not sure about a demial, but the number is called a repeating or recurring decimal.

How do write 0.324 repeating as a fraction?

0.324 is a terminating fraction. The only way to express it as a repeating fraction is to express it as 0.323999... (repeating).

What is a perfect repetend?

A fraction a/b where the repeat is b-1 digits long, without any delays.

How do you turn recurring decimals into fractions?

-- Take one whole set of the digits that repeat in the decimal. Write them as the numerator of the fraction. -- For the denominator of the fraction, write a group of 9s ... the same number of them as there are digits in the numerator. -- Simplify the fraction, if possible and if you feel like it.