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It is: 360 degrees

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Q: What is a full rotation of a circle degrees?
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A complete rotation or circle contains how many degrees?

A full rotation is a 360 degree rotation. A full circle is 360 degrees.

What does a full circle equal in geometry?

A full rotation of a circle is equal to 360 degrees. Area of a circle is: pi times radius squared.

Why is a full rotation called 360 degrees?

a circle is made up of angular measure, commonly called degrees. Also may be radians or grads. But 360 degrees constitutes a full circle

Why cirlle has 360 degrees?

A circle has 360 degrees because angles are measured in degrees and and a full rotation of an angle is 360 degrees.

Who invented degrees (angle)?

It was the ancient Babylonians and Greeks who classified angles into degrees out of 360 degrees which is full rotation of circle.

The angle that describes how far to turn a figure for a rotation?

a full circle=360 degrees

How many 45 degrees are in a circle?

There are 360 degrees in a full rotation. Taken 45 at a time you can do it 8 times.

What angle measure does a semicircle have?

A semi-circle, half a circle, by definition is 180 degrees, half of a rotation. A whole circle has a whole rotation, which is 360 degrees.

How many degrees in a full rotation?

There are 360 degrees in a full rotation.

What is the angle of rotation of a circle?

360 degrees.

How many arc minutes in a full circle?

There are 60 arcminutes in one degree. There are 360 degrees in a circle. Therefore, one full rotation is equal to 360 x 60 = 21600 arcminutes.

How many degrees is a full circle?

360 degrees are equivalent to a full circle.