she is good at mathematics
"My mathematics is good" is correct out of the choices given, but a better sentence would be "I am good at mathematics".
greeks had found the word mathematics
It's correct to say that a person is good AT mathematics.
It is not bad to be good at mathematics. It is specifically good.
Mathematics is a noun.
Mathematics is a noun.
Yes, the word 'mathematics' is a noun, a common, uncountable, abstract noun; a word for a concept, a word for a thing.
both can be, it depends whether you use 'maths' to mean 'mathematics' (i.e. the subject), or maths class/lesson. you can't be good in mathematics (you should say you are good at mathematics), but you could be good in maths class/ in you maths lesson. Generally speaking, You would use: "I am good at math". "I am good in/at maths" would both be incorrect. There is no need to add the s at the end of the word "math", because math is already the general term for the different types of mathematics.
There is no difference between the phrases, "good in" or "good at". If a person is good in Mathematics, they are also good at Mathematics.
The word is 'mathematics'.
Hesabu is a Swahili word that means "mathematics" or "calculation." It is used to refer to the subject of mathematics in the Swahili language.