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A Proof, 2-column proofs for geometry are common.

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Q: What is a logical argument in which each statement made is supported by a statement that is accepted as true?
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What is a logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true?

A logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true is a proof.

What is a logical argument arranged with statements and reasons?

A logical argument in which each statement is backed up by a statement that is accepted as true is a two column proof.

What is an argument that is supported by research and strong evidence is called?

An argument that is supported by research and strong evidence is typically referred to as a well-founded argument. This type of argument relies on credible sources, data, and logical reasoning to bolster its claims and conclusions.

In the is there a god argument which side of the argument has more evidence to support it?

No, there is no logical argument that is more supported or logically sound than an atheist's. If there was, it likely would be well known.

What is logical systematic presentation of reasoning and supporting evidence that proves the validity of a statement or position?


What is circular argument?

A circular argument is a logical fallacy in which the conclusion is supported by the premise, which in turn is based on the conclusion. It does not provide any new information or evidence to support the argument. It's a form of reasoning that goes in a circle without ever reaching a logical conclusion.

Is a negation another term for axiom?

No, a negation is not another term for an axiom. A negation is the logical operation that expresses "not" in a statement, while an axiom is a self-evident or universally accepted truth that serves as a starting point for reasoning in a mathematical system or a logical argument.

What is the first argument of an IF Statement called and what is its purpose?

The first argument of an IF statement is called the logical test. Its purpose is to evaluate a condition as either true or false. Based on the result of this test, the IF statement will execute different code blocks.

What is a logical conclusion derived from premises known or assumed to br true?

A logical conclusion is a statement that can be inferred or deduced from the given premises by following a valid logical argument. It is an outcome that logically follows from the information provided and is considered to be true based on the validity of the argument.

What type of reasoning does the author use?

The author mainly uses deductive reasoning in the argument, presenting a logical chain of thought starting from a general statement and leading to a specific conclusion. This is supported by evidence and examples to reinforce the main points.

Valid in a sentence?

His argument was valid because it was supported by strong evidence and logical reasoning.

One way to think of a conclusion is as a that has been proven to be valid?

A conclusion can be thought of as a logical inference that has been supported with evidence and reasoning throughout the argument. It is the final piece that ties together the premises and leads to a definitive statement or decision.