

What is a net for a square?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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9y ago

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A net is a two dimensional pattern that can be cut out and folded to make a 3-dimensional [solid] shape. A 2-dimensional shape, such as a square, does not have a net!

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Q: What is a net for a square?
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A net that has 4 triangles?

the answer is pyramid

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One square and four triangles.

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a square

How is the square different from a diagram of a cube?

The diagram, or net of a cube shows what the cube would look like unfolded and also shows the surface area.A square is just a square; a 2-dimensional object, whereas a cube is a 3-dimensional object. But the net of a cube couldhave squares, if you were to look at each single unit of the net of the cube.