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Its power or index.

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Q: What is a number indicating how many times another number is used as a factor?
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What does a number indicating how many times the base is used as a factor?

The exponent

Indicating the number of factors?

The exponent indicates the number of times the base is used as a factor.

Indicating the number of factors of X?

The exponent tells how many times the base is used as a factor.

What is a number that indicates how many times another number is used as a factor?

An exponent

Why is 6 a factor of 72?

Because 6 times 12 is 72. A number, when multiplied by another number, is a factor of the new number.

What does a number times a number equal to?

A number times a number is a factor times a factor and it makes a product. Number x number = factor x factor = product

Is 1 a factor of 10?

1 is a factor of ten. This is because 1 times another number is the number itself. Basically, 1 is a factor of all and any number.

Is 21 a factor of 24?

No 21 is not a factor of 24. In order for a number to be a factor of another number, x number times n number must equal the number you are trying to factor. Below is a self made image that explains factoring and shows you how to factor 24.

Why is 0 not a factor of any whole number?

For zero to be a factor of a number, there would have to be another factor paired with it. Since zero times anything is zero, you will never be able to multiply zero with anything to get any number other than zero.

What is a number indicating how many times the base number is to be muliplied by itself?

An exponent.

Why is 7 a factor of 168?

Factor means a number times another numbers equals a larger number. Since 7 can be called "a number" and 168 is the "larger number" then the "another number" would be something the multiplys by 7 to equal 168. That number would be 24

What is meant by a factor of a number?

A whole number, f, is a factor of another whole number, n, if f goes into n some exact number of times - that is, it leaves no remainder. Another way of putting it is: if you have a number n, then f is a factor of n if you can find a number, g (not necessarily different), such that f*g = n