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Q: What is a number you get by multiplying a number by other whole numbers?
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Related questions

How is multiplying a decimal by a whole number the same as multiplying 2 whole numbers?

It is not. When multiplying two whole numbers you need not be concerned about placing the decimal point in the answer.

What numbers are divisble by 4?

4, 8, 12, 16, and any other number you can get by multiplying 4 by a whole number.

How is multiplying integers is like multiplying whole number?

In every possible way- because whole numbers and integers are the same.

How is multiplying decimals different from multiplying whole numbers?

The difference is that if you multiply with a whole number and then multiply with a decimal and you compare.You will notice the whole number is greater.You are very welcome.

What are prime?

A prime number is a number that cannot be generated by multiplying any 2 whole numbers (aside from 1 and itself). For example, 8 is not a prime number because you can get it by multiplying 4X2. 7 on the other hand IS a prime number because there are no whole numbers you can multiply to generate it aside from 1X7.

What is a general rule for multiplying fractions and whole numbers?

A general rule for multiplying fractions: You shall not multiply the denominator by the whole number,only the numerator.Another rule is you shall make the whole number as a fraction by putting the whole number as the numerator and 1 as the denominator before multiplying it.

What are the numbers that result from multiplying any whole number times itself?

It is a perfect square.

How do you multiplying whole numbers?

With a calculator :)

How do you multiply a whole number by a decimal in the hundreths?

When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.

When multiplying a fraction by a whole number how do you rewrite the whole number?

When multiplying a fraction by a whole number you would rewrite it as a mixed number or convert the whole number to that number over one!

Is the set of whole numbers are closed under multiplication?

If you can never, by multiplying two whole numbers, get anything but another whole number back as your answer, then, YES, the set of whole numbers must be closed under multiplication.

Explain how to multiply a whole number by a decimal in the hundredths?

When multiplying a whole number by a decimal with two places, ignore the decimal point and multiply as if you were multiplying two whole numbers. After you get the answer, re-insert the decimal point so that the product has two decimal places.