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A Rhombus.

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Q: What is a parallelogram with 4 equal size but no right angles?
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Are all the angles of a parallelogram can be equal in size?

They can, but usually they are not. All the angles will be equal only if your parallelogram is a rectangle.

A square that's a parallelogram with diagonals bisect?

A parallelogram is a simple quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. A square is a parallelogram with four sides of equal length and angles of equal size (right angles).

What is a tilted rectangle called?

A parallelogram.Types of parallelogram:Rhomboid - A quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel and adjacent sides are unequal, and whose angles are not right anglesRectangle - A parallelogram with four angles of equal sizeRhombus - A parallelogram with four sides of equal length.Square - A parallelogram with four sides of equal length and four angles of equal size (right angles).

A parallelogram with all side the same length but no a rectangle?

It could be either of the following: * Rhombus - A parallelogram with four sides of equal length. * Square - A parallelogram with four sides of equal length and four angles of equal size (right angles).

How do I know my parallelogram is not a rectangle?

A rectangle - has four right-angles at the corners. A Parallelogram - has no right-angles, but has opposite angles equal. Technically - a rectangle is a parallelogram, but a parallelogram can never be a rectangle. Clarification - Actually, all rectangles are parallelograms, but not all parallelograms are rectangles. The definition of a parallelogram is that of a four-sided shape where the opposite sides are parallel. There is no angle-size limitation in the definition. Squares, rectangles and rhombuses are all parallelograms.

Is it possible to have a square that is not a parallelogram?

No. Squares have to have four sides of equal length and four angles of equal size. It is possible however, to have a trapezium which is not a parallelogram. Also a rhombus is a parallelogram with four sides of equal length and two pairs of equally sized angles.

Does a parallelogram always have four sides?

Yes, and its opposite sides are always equal and its opposite angles are always equal. The angles and the sides can be any size.

Can a parallelogram be called a rectangle square or a rhombus?

A rectangle may be called a parallelogram but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals. A parallelogram can be called a rectangle if all four angles are right angles (90 degrees). A parallelogram can be called a rhombus if all four sides are the same size. A parallelogram can be called a square if all four angles are right angles and all four sides are the same size

What quadrilateral has 2 sets of opposite angles that are the same size but does not have 4 sides that are equal?

A parallelogram.

What is a parallelogram that has the same shape but not the same size?

a parallelogram that has the same shape but not the same size called "similar". This means the angles are equal in both shapes but the sides are different.

A parallelogram with all sides of equal length?

Is generically called a Rhombus and specifically a Square of the 4 angles are of equal size too.

What has 2 pairs of parallel sides and 2 acute angles of the same size and 2 obtuse angles of the same size?

A parallelogram. A rhombus (a special case of parallelogram, with all 4 sides equal length) also fits this criteria.