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A polygon.

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Q: What is a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles and typically five or more?
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What are polygon definition?

A Polygon is a figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.

What does polygon look like and what does polygon mean?

A plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.

What do you mean by the meaning of polygon?

They're asking for the definition, which is a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.

Is a polygon a regular triangle?

A polygon is a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, so a triangle qualifies.

What is the name of a 18 sided shape?

A polygon refers to a plane figure that has at least three straight sides and angles. An 18 sided shape is called an octadecagon or octakaidecagon.

What figure has two right angles and one 90 degree angle?

that doesn't make sense. At least not to me...

What are the characteristics of quadrilaterals?

1. has at least 3 straight sides 2.closed figure 3. forgot the third one

What is the least number of angles apolygon can have?

3, otherwise below that it just collapses to a straight line or even a point.

What description guarantees that a quadrilateral is a rectangle?

A plane figure with four sides and at least three right angles. There are other descriptions.

How are polygons identified?

A polygon is a closed figure with only straight edges. A polygon has at least 3 sides.

What shape has an acute angle and three right angles?

No plane geometric figure can have one acute and three right angle only, at least two other angles must be included

Does a polygon have more than 4 sizes?

it can, or it can have three a polygon is a closed figure with at least three angles and three sides and no curves.