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The scientific standard for laboratory temperature measurements is usually the Centigrade scale, also known as Celsius.

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Q: What is a scale commonly used by scientists for measuring temperature?
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The temperature scale that scientists commonly use is the?

Scientists commonly use the Celsius or Kelvin temperature scales.

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The most commonly referred to scale by the press and the public is the Richter scale for measuring earthquake magnitude. However this was actually replaced in the 1970s by the Moment Magnitude scale which is the magnitude scale favoured and in use by seismologists.

What do you call a temperature scale used by scientists?


Is Celsius warm or cold weather?

Celsius is a scale of measuring temperature, not a temperature in and of itself.

How do you spell ferenhiegt?

The correct spelling is "Fahrenheit" (scale for measuring temperature).

Is kelvin a temperature?

Yes, Kelvin is one scale for measuring temperature, like Celsius of Fahrenheit.

What does water have to do with measuring temperature?

The fixed points on the Celsius scale, for measuring temperature are based on the freezing and boiling points of water and, to that extent water is relevant to the measurement of temperature.

The temperature scale on which zero is the temperature at which no more energy can be removed from matter?

The generic name is "absolute temperature scale"; the most commonly used one is the Kelvin scale.

Why do you use the unit celsius for measuring temperature?

Scientists believe that the Celsius temperature scale is well designed. Because it features a hundred degrees between the freezing point of water (0o C) and the boiling point of water (100o C) it is relatively easy to calibrate a thermometer in the Celsius scale, particularly as compared to the Fahrenheit scale.