

What is a set of even whole numbers from 1 to 100?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Start with 2 and count up in twos.

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Q: What is a set of even whole numbers from 1 to 100?
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Yes. Even numbers greater than 100 is a well defined set. (Although it is a set with an infinite number of members)

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Is the set of even whole numbers closed under multiplication?

Yes, it is closed. This means that if you multiply two even number, you again get a number within the set of even numbers.

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Is a set of even natural numbers greater than 100 is an infinite set?


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The set of integers (ℤ) is the set of the positive whole numbers and their additive opposites (the negative whole numbers).

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The set of integers includes the set of whole numbers. The set of rational numbers includes the sets of whole numbers and integers.

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Actually the set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers since the whole numbers include negative whole numbers and zero.

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The set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers.

How many whole numbers are in a set between 100 and 400 that contain the digit 2?

138 of them.

Why are even whole and natural numbers closed under addition?

For a set to be closed under an operation, doing the operations on any two members of the set must result in another member of the set.The set of even natural numbers is {2, 4, 6, ...}.When two even numbers are added, the result is also an even number.Adding two positive numbers results in a larger positive number.Thus, adding two even natural numbers together results in another even natural number and so is closed.The set of even whole numbers is {..., -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, ...}.When two even numbers are added, the result is also an even number.It does not matter which combination of positive and negative whole numbers are added as all positive and negative whole numbers (including zero) are in the set. Thus it is also closed under addition.

What is the first even whole number?

There is no first since the set of even whole numbers stretch to infinity in both directions. The first non-negative even whole number is 0.