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'cheese balls'

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Q: What is a shape with 1 flat side and it could roll?
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What shape has one flat side it roll and the flat side looks like a circle?

A cone.

What shape could roll if you turned them on their side?


What shape is the flat side of the cone?

a circle

What shape is the flat side of a cylinder?


What shape has 1 curve and 1 flat side?

A semicircle.

What shape has 6 corners and 5 flat side?

I am a pop can I am a

What shape is 2 dimensional?

a circle. it has 1 side, and is flat. a sphere is round and isn't flat.

How Rolling an 8 with 2 dice?

you could do roll 5 on one side with 3 on the other.Or 4 on one side and 4 on the other.Or you could roll 7 and a 1 or you could roll 6 on one side and 2 on the other.:)(:

Explain how a pyramid and a cone are alike and different?

a pyramid and a cone are alike because they both have a flat side on the bottom and they can slide. they are different because a pyramid has 5 flat sides on the sides and 1 flat side on the bottom part. a cone can roll but a pyramid can't roll like the cone.

What shape has 2 flat side 1 curved side no corners but it has curved edges?

A cylinder.

What is a ball pane hammer used for in technology?

'Peening' is the act of hammering some metal so that it flattens out in a circular shape, like a flower, than whacking it flat. The hammer used for peening has a ball shape on one side and a flat shape on the other. It is called a Ball-peen hammer). The ball end flattens out and away, and the flat side whacks the metal down flat.

What solid shape that cannot be stacked and has only 1 flat side?
