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Q: What is a strcuture of a cromison?
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What is non linear data strcuture?

A tree is an example for a non-linear data structure.

What is an example of a vestigial strcuture?

appendix, used to produce chemicals to digest raw meat, and now not really needed

How can you find maximum displacement of a system subjected to harmonic force at resonance?

Dear Sir, I am Strcuture Engineer,I have a question regarding to maximum displacement in different structures,I am going to design a 27m height water tower which support 20ton mass of water therefore I need the maximum displacement for this type of strcuture so, could you help me in this issu. Thatnks. Najib Azizi

Did manatees ever walk on land long time ago?

No because according to scientists, manatees were unable to walk on land...ever becasue of their bone strcuture for the tail flap was entirely differnet and its ancestors would only have a different tail shape not a different bone.

Why is Cozar a non-formulary medicine?

Your Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) will tell you that Cozaar is non-formulary because the cost to benefit ratio is not as favorable as other medications in its class (Angiotensin Receptor Blockers). However, at the end of the day-->IT"S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. The PBM has negiotiated a better price/profit strcuture for another ARB. SuperPharmacist

Vinegar is also known as?

vinegar is also known as 'Acetic Acid' Acetic Acid is the common name for Ethanoic Acid. It chemical strcuture is CH3-C(=O)OH

What is the molecular size of antigen?

Hello, McPherson published the crystal strcuture of an antibody-antibody interaction and as far as I can understand the explanations, the total size of the complex is approx. 15 nm in length. If you assume that the interaction is nearly planar, one can assume for a single antibody an approx. length of 7.5 nm. But please check the link below with the original article...

What is a single subunit in biochemistry?

In Protein biochemistry some proteins are made of more than one unit of the same molecule (or similar molecules) - i.e. Actin and Myosin (muscle proteins). It is said that their tertiary structure is the individual subunit, however they also have a quaternary strucure which is the structure formed when many subunits link up. A single subunit in this case is then a protein that has formed its final, folded tertiary structure but which is not part of a larger strcuture.

What organelle separates cell interior from environment?

What seperates the internal composition and the Cytoplasme (the liquid inside the cell holding all parts or organisms of the cell in place) of the cell from the external is the plasmic membrane. This membrane has many functions as it's strcuture helps it to move or squeeze into places the cell needs to go.

What is the gas absorbing mineral found in ziplock and other vegetable green bags?

The answer is micorporous aluminosilicate clay. The idea apparently came from the caves near Utsunomiya City, Japan where food could be stored for long periods. These caves were formed in Oya tuff (tuff is a soft stone formed by volcanic ash). Zeolite, another type of clay (most familiar as old fashioned non-cluping cat litter) is what is used in these bags. The strcuture of the clay allows it to absorb ethylene which is given off my most plants, speeding up the process of decay. Historically people have used charcoal or washed coal to do the same.

Implement a class stack which simulates the operations of the stack allowing LIFO operationsAlso implement push and pop operations for the stack?

/* C program to implement stack. Stack is a LIFO data strcuture LIFO - Last in First Out Perform PUSH(insert operation), POP(Delete operation) and Display stack */#include #include #define MAXSIZE 5struct stack /* Structure definition for stack */{int stk[MAXSIZE];int top;};typedef struct stack STACK;STACK s;/* Function declaration/Prototype*/void push (void);int pop(void);void display (void);void main (){int choice;int option = 1;clrscr (); = -1;printf ("STACK OPERATION\n");while (option){printf ("--------------\n");printf (" 1 -> PUSH \n");printf (" 2 -> POP \n");printf (" 3 -> DISPLAY \n");printf (" 4 -> EXIT \n");printf ("--------------\n");printf ("Enter your choice\n");scanf ("%d", &choice);switch (choice){case 1: push();break;case 2: pop();break;case 3: display();break;case 4: return;}fflush (stdin);printf ("Do you want to continue(Type 0 or 1)?\n");scanf ("%d", &option);}}/*Function to add an element to the stack*/void push (){int num;if ( -1){printf ("Stack is empty\n");return;}else{printf ("\nThe status of the stack is\n");for (i =; i >= 0; i-){printf ("%d\n", s.stk[i]);}}printf ("\n");}byankit shukla

How do you determine the formula mass of a compound?

If you use an IR spectra you can determine the functional groupd of the compound,(hydroxyl, ester, ketones, etc.)After which, using the NMR spectra you can determine the strcuture of the hydrocarbon part of the compound (whether rings, double bonds, etc.)