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The whole measurement of a angle.

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Q: What is the definition of 180 degree?
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What is a definition for a 180 degree edge of a circle?

It is an arc comprising half the circumference.

What is 180 degree celsius in microwave oven?

180 degree Celsius are 180 degree Celsius, inside and outside of a microwave oven.

How much is 180 C?

180 degree Celsius = 356 degree Fahrenheit

What is an 180 degree angle called?

Answer = A 180 degree angle is called a Straight Angle!!

What angle is 180 degree called?

Answer = A 180 degree angle is called a Straight Angle!!

What is the formula to find interior angles of a triangle?

angle+angle+angle=180 degree then'a+b+c=180 degree example: Q what is the angle of a triangle,if a=50,b=60? answer:a+b+c=180 degree a+50+60=180 degree a+110=180 degreea=180-110 a=70 degree please answar my question

What is the same thing as a straight angle?

180 degree angle

Can there be a triangle with two obtuse angles?

no, the definition of an obtuse angle is an angle greater than 90 degrees. a triangle, by definition, can only have a total of 180 degrees. therefore, even if you have two 91 degree angles, that still exceeds 180. therefore, no, you cannot have a triangle with two obtuse angles.

Is a -180 degree angle obtuse?

No, a 180-degree angle is called a straight angle.

What is an example of a 180 degree shape?

A 180 Degree shape would be a line a straight line or diagnal like this: _____________

Find the supplement of a 98 angle?

180-98=82 degrees so that is the supplement.Geometry tells us that two angles are supplementary if their sum is 180 degree. to find out the supplement of 82 degree we subtract: 180-82= 78 degree. Answer: the supplement of 82 degree is 78 degree.

What is the supplement of a 10 degree angle?

180 degree