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I think you mean a trapezoid pyramid

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Q: What is a triangle with a trapezoidal base?
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How do you solve the volume of a triangular pyramid with a trapezoidal base?

third of base's area by heiht

How do you find the volume of a trapezoidal pedestal?

If it is a rectangular trapezoidal pedestal: Calculate the area of the base of the pedestal, multiply by the height of the pedestal. If the angles of the pedestal are not 90deg.. i.e. if it is a pyramidal trapezoidal pedestal. Then calculate the volume as you normally would a rectangular trapezoidal pedestal, and subtract the volume of the missing triangular pieces with the formula 1/3 area of base X height.

What is the formula for finding the volume of a trapezoidal prism?

area of base x height area of base x height

How do you find the surface area of trapezoidal prism?

Surface Area = 2 × Base Area + Base Perimeter × Length

What is a trapezoidal pyramid?

A trapezoidal pyramid, better known as a trapezoid-based pyramid, is a pyramid with a trapezoid as it's base. So basically it would have a trapezoid at the bottom, and 4 triangles coming out from the edges to meet at a point at the top. It's really very simple, like a triangular-based pyramid would have a triangle as it's base, and a square-based pyramid would have a square as it's base. The pyramids are named for their bases. If your still confused, a trapezoid-based pyramid is a 3D shape.

Formula for volume of a trapezoidal trough?

The answer depends on what you mean by a trapezoidal trough. Is it a trough whose cross-section is a rectangle at any height but which increases linearly with the height or is it a trough whose base and each face is a trapezium.

When calculating area what are the similarities between triangles and parallelogram?

Parallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*Height

Volume of trapezoidal prism?

To find the volume of a rectangular prism, multiply the base, width, and height. If the prism is irregularly shaped, multiply the base and the height.

Does a triangle prism have a base?

Every prism has a base. For a triangular prism the base is a triangle.

The number of vertices of a trapezoidal pyramid?

A pyramid has one vertex for every vertex (or side) of the base plus an extra one. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral and so has 4 vertices (and sides). Thus a trapezoidal pyramid has 5 vertices.

Can a median triangle also consider as a base?

The median of a triangle cannot be considered as a base of that triangle.

The area of a triangle is 6 square feet. The base is 3 times the height.What is the base of the triangle?

The base of the triangle is 6 feet