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third of base's area by heiht

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Q: How do you solve the volume of a triangular pyramid with a trapezoidal base?
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How do you solve volume of a pyramid?

A pyramid has a base and triangular sides which rise to meet at the same point. The base may be any polygon such as a square, rectangle, triangle, etc. The general formula for the volume of a pyramid is: Area of the base * Height * 1/3 The volume of a pyramid with a rectangular base is equal to: Length of base * Width of base * Height * 1/3

How do you solve a pyramid only knowing the volume and altitude?

You require a lot more information before the question can be answered. First, you do not solve a pyramid. A pyramid is a 3-dimensional shape - it is there. You do not solve it. You can Solve for its surface area, or its base area or its height or something. But the question does not say what you are trying to solve for. Second. You do not specify whether it is a triangular pyramid, a quadrilateral one, pentagonal or so on. If the question were about the base area, that would not matter, but if it is about anything else, that piece of information is critical. So I suggest you think about what information you do have and what you want to find out and then resubmit a sensible question that someone can answer.

What is an algorithm to solve the volume of a cone?

The volume is equal to 1/3 times the base area times the height. Incidentally, that's the same formula for the pyramid.

using egyptian geometry, how the volume of a truncated pyramid is solve explain?

The formula for the volume of a truncated square pyramid with height h, and top edge a cm and bottom edge b cm is V = 1/3*(a2 + ab + b2)*h.

How do you solve a rubik's pyramid?

Go on youtube and type in "how to solve pyramix".

If pyramid has a volume of 2226450 cubic meters if the base is 215 meters by 215 meters what is the height?

To find the height of the pyramid, use the formula for the volume of a pyramid: V = (1/3) * base area * height. Plug in the values given: 2226450 = (1/3) * 215^2 * height. Solve for height: height = 2226450 / ((1/3) * 215^2). Calculate the result to find the height of the pyramid.

How do you find the volume of a solid if you only have the surface area?

It depends on if the item is a cylinder, block, or pyramid. You would replace the appropriate geometric equation variables and solve for the unknown algebraically.

How do you solve the volume of a pyramid?

# Square Pyramid:#* Identify the length and width of the base. Write your measurements down. #* Calculate the area of the base. This is done by multiplying the width by the height. Write the answer down. #* Multiply the area of the base by the height. Write this answer down, too. #* Multiply the previous answer by one third, or divide by 3. This will give you the final answer. # Triangular Pyramid:#* Identify the length and width of the base. Write the measurements down. #* Calculate the area of the base.Multiply the length by the width, then multiply by one half (or divide by 2). This is the area. Write the answer down. #* Multiply the area of the base by the height of the pyramid.#* Multiply your answer by one third, or divide by 3. This will give you the volume.Source: WikiHow

How do you solve The Red Pyramid puzzle 4?

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How do you solve the Red Pyramid puzzle?

It is maybe House of Life

What is density what is the formula how would you solve for volume how would you solve for mass?

density = mass / volume Solving for mass: mass = density x volume Solving for volume: volume = mass / density

How do you solve a cubic centimeter?

A cubic centimetre is a measure of volume. There is nothing to solve.