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Q: What is a variable that has a memory address as its value is called?
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What variable has memory address as its value?


What is a function of a variable?

A variable is a named memory address in which a value may be stored and mutated.

What are the 'Constants' and 'Variables' in Java?

A variable is a memory address that holds a value. A constant is simply a variable that does not change value.

What is a memory pointer?

A pointer is a variable that stores a memory address and that allows indirect access to the object or value stored at that address.

Array of pointers?

a pointer is a variable that contains memory location of another variable.the value u assign to the pointers are memory address of other variable.

How are we going to use pointer in a program?

A pointer is a variable used specifically to store a memory address. We say the variable "points to" the memory address because we can dereference the pointer to access the value stored at that address. The pointer's type determines how that dereferenced value will be interpreted. Being a variable, we can change the stored address and thus change which value we point at. This makes it possible for the same variable to refer to different objects in memory, which includes other pointer variables.

What is lvalue?

A variable has two associated value with it rvalue and lvalue. 'lvalue' is its location value, that is memory address.

What is void pointer variable?

A void pointer variable is a pointer variable (of some type) that is assigned the value zero, meaning it points to address zero. Memory address zero is a reserved address, which means the pointer variable references nothing in particular.

Can pointer be assigned a value?

A pointer is a variable just like any other, so of course it can be assigned a value. However, being a pointer, the value must be a memory address. If you want to assign a value to that memory address rather than the pointer, you must dereference the pointer.

What is the input of a variable called in qbasic?

Variables don't have inputs. A variable is a named memory location where a value may be read or written. You write a variable by assigning a value to it. The value may be obtained from user-input.

Difference between reference variable and instance variable?

An object is the actual storage space in memory in which some collection of data resides.A reference variable is a variable which refers to the memory location of an object.Look at the pseudocode below:Object obj = new Object();Here obj is the reference variable, and the data to which it refers is the object.

What is a use of dereferencing operator?

A pointer variable contains the address to some memory location. "Dereferencing" the pointer means getting the value stored at that memory location.