

What is added to the highest 2- digit number?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Any number may be added

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Q: What is added to the highest 2- digit number?
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99 is not a prime because it can be divisible by 3 and 33

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The highest two-digit prime number is 97. Out of that group, the highest (and only) prime number is 71.

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It is a table of numbers that are added and the first digit is displayed but if the answer of the 2 number when added is more than 1 digit, you add them again till it reaches a 1 digit number.

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How many whole numbers have only two digits?

Highest 2-digit number = 99Highest 1-digit number = 999 - 9 = 90 two-digit numbers90.

How many three digit numbers are divisible by 9?

100. The highest 3 digit number divisible by 9 is 999 (111 times). The highest 2 digit number divisible by 9 is 99 (11 times). The difference is 100.

What is the largest 2- digit odd number you can make?

99 is odd and if you added one more it would be 3 digit.

How do you calculate the highest digit in a number system?

The highest digit is one less than the base used for counting. So in binary (base 2), the highest digit is 1 In octal (base 8), the highest digit is 7 In decimal (base 10), the highest digit is 9 In hexadecimal (base 16), the highest "digit" is 15. The symbols A, B, C, D, E and F represent the "digits" 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. And so on.

If you add a two digit number to a two digit number do you get a four digit number?

No. When adding the smallest 2 digit number (= 10) to the smallest 2 digit number (again, 10) the result is a 2 digit number (10 + 10 = 20). When adding the largest 2 digit number (= 99) to the largest 2 digit number (again, 99) the result is a 3 digit number (99 + 99 = 198). As you can see, you'll either get a 2 or 3 digit number, but never a 4 digit number.