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Q: What is always true for three non-collinear points?
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If three points are coplanar are they also collinear?

Is false

Three points are always coplanar?


Is a triangle a figure formed by three segments connecting three noncollinear points?

This is a true statement that defines a triangle in geometry. However, there are many different types of triangles, such as obtuse, acute, scalene, right, equilateral, and isosceles triangles.

Is it true that three points are always contained in exactly one plane?

3 points must always be contained in one plane, as 2 make a line, it makes no difference as to where the third point is, it will exist in the same plane in the two. Aside from all three points being in a line, this is always true.

Are collinear points always coplanar?


Three points are collinear true or false?

Not enough information. Collinear means the points are on the same line. If you have any three points, they may, or may not, be on the same line.

Is it true that two points are always collinear?

Yes, two points are always collinear. You can draw a line through any two points.

True or falseif three points are collinear they are also coplanar?


In geometry is it true that through any three points exists exactly one line?

No, given any three points, it is possible for one of the points not to be on the line defined by the other two points. Only two points on a line are needed to identify the exact position of the line. The positions of any three points gives you the exact position of the plane that includes those three points.No, it is not true. If it were true, all triangles would be straight lines !?!

True or false Any three points can be the verticies of a triangle?

False. Three collinear points determine a line while three non-collinear points determine a plane ( A Triangle)

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