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Q: True or falseif three points are collinear they are also coplanar?
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Are three points always collinear?

No but they are always coplanar.

If three points are coplanar they are also collinear?


If three points are collinear they are coplanar?


If three points are coplanar are they collinear?


Are complanar points collinear?

Not sure about complanar. Coplanar lines can be collinear but need not be.

If three points are coplanar then are they collinear?

Not necessarily. Coplanar means that points lie on the same plane whereas collinear means that points lie on the same line. Points on a plane do not necessarily lie along the same line.

What is different of collinear point from non collinear point and coplanar point from non coplanar point?

Three or more points are collinear if they are all in the same straight line. They are non collinear if at least one of them is not on the same line as the rest. Four or more points are coplanar if they are all in the same plane. They are non coplanar if at least one of them is not on the same plane as the rest.

What are the three points for coplanar but not collinear?

Two points (which must lie on a line) and the third point NOT on that line.

If three points are coplanar are they also collinear?

Is false

What is the greatest number of line segments determined by six coplanar points when no three are collinear?

6*5/2 = 15.

Are three collinear points coplanar?

Yes. Three co-linear points define a line, and therefore also lie on a plane, but those three points do not necessarily define only one plane. You need three points, not co-linear, to uniquely define a plane. See Related Links below for more information.

Is every set of three points a collinear?

no,three points can be non collinear