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Q: What is an easy way to work out a way to calculate any number multiplied by 9?
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Any irrational number, when multiplied by 0.5 will give an irrational number.

Find the square root of a number?

The square root of a number is a number which when multiplied by itself will result in the original number. So the square root of 4 is 2, because 2 times 2 equals 4. For an easy square root like that you can work it out in your head, but for harder questions you should use a calculator. Your calculator will have a button to press to calculate the square root of a number.

If the formula to calculate work is distance divided by time how do you apply the formula?

You would have a very tough time, because that isn't the formula to calculate work. (distance) divided by (time) is the formula to calculate speed. The formula to calculate work is: (force) multiplied by (distance).

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it can make your work easy 2 calculate....^_^ ^_^

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11 and -1 but there is an infinite number of numbers that work.

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To find the reciprocal of a number, calculate [1] [divided by] [the number].

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Total number of accidents multiplied by one million and divided for total worked hours. AF= (Number of accidents * 1x10^6)/Worked Hours Total number of accidents - Accidents that had result in absence to work. That had originated lost days. Total worked hours - Number of worked hours done by all employees in that period. Incluing extra hours of work, excluding holidays, etc.

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the base of the triangle multiplied by height, then that number divided by 2. A = b*h/2

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318 multiplied by 720 is 228,960.

How would you work out what number has 15 factors?

I would pick any prime number and calculate it to the 14th power.

What numbers will produce a rational number when multiplied by 0.5?

Please don't write "the following" if you don't provide a list. Any rational number will work in this case. Any irrational number will not.